Thursday, April 7, 2011

Careful about What You Say Online

Did you all remember the video about Alexandra Wallace from UCLA? Saying how asian are this.. that.. this.. that.. bla bla bla?
The video went viral, and at the end she decided to apologize, and to save her life (apparantly she got some annoying messages, and such), she decided to quit her school, and move.

Our fav singer, tweeted about this:
@davidchoimusic: “If you happen to see Alexandra Wallace at UCLA, slap her, then hug her for me, thanks.” -

Then.. A news used David's tweet to show how viral the video was, and how people responded..

And here's david's respons..

@davidchoimusic: lol, my tweet about Alexandra Wallace was on the news - - some things should be kept to yourself. Bad move on her part.

Lesson to learn: Do not rant in the internet without thinking that no one will see it.. Watch your mouth, dear! :)


Apparantly, a hater tweeted David this morning, and He replied..
FYI, David's reply comes once in a while, we never know when he's not busy, and replied tweets..
So.. Here is the short story..

A girl tweeted to her friend (i guess), saying "that song is gay, I hate david choi. seriously. his lips look like… I can’t even tell…"

Maybe, David was bored, and search his own name "David Choi" and saw the post.. or.. maybe someone told him about that post.. Anyway, here's what he reply..

That girl was shocked to know that David read and reply.. so she tweeted her friend..
David replied her again...
Note: she did not tag david.. So either David was really bored, or he wanted to know how she will respond :)

I think at this point, some of David's fans started to reply the post, giving support and encouragement to david, saying how silly she was and how he should ignore her..

The girl gave up.. posting "@davidchoimusic okay fine u win, just deleted my mention from your tweet& I won’t comment on u anymore deal?I hate these disturbing mentions"

And here's what David replied
What a cool way to reply hater..

I personally think, David was smart.. by replying with "RT" instead of "reply", we all could see what the hater post.. And i do like the way he ended with "Hugs".. It's kinda funny for me, how he didn't have to reply with any hate, only using retweeting, and use the word "meanie", attract many fans replied, and at the end the hater gave up? Fancy style to deal with hater =P

Lesson to learn: Careful on what you tweet! People might see them.. Not only on twitter, but you've to be careful on other social media as well.. Blogs, facebooks, linked in, friendster, and such.. Many people could see what you wrote! Be smart on using internet guys :)

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