Thursday, August 4, 2011

David Choi South East Asia Tour


Just wanted to update.. As you all know, David has a second youtube channel named "Davidchoitalk", where he posted random stuffs..
Since he just finished his Hong Kong and South East Asia tour, I think it's a right time to do a recap.

So, here are the playlist of his video..

1. Hongkong - 17 June 2011

The video above is from Davidchoitalk! :)

And a bonus, Video from the meet and greet. Courtesy to the owner of the youtube channel.

2. Kuala Lumpur

Video from David's official second youtube channel :)

The video below is an interview held by a famous Malaysian

3. Singapore
Official video from David's second youtube channel

Video on the meet and greet, by us..

Bonus: Two new songs!! Courtesy video by the owner of the youtube channel..

"You were my Friend"

"This and That is Life"

4. Manila
Video from David's official second youtube channel..

If you haven't subscribed to his second youtube channel, DO IT!! Seach for "davidchoitalk"! Enjoy!

Will update for the Indonesia and Australia Videos as soon as David uploaded it..

DavidChoiFans Team

Friday, July 22, 2011

Fan-made T-shirt

Our friends in Indonesia made several t-shirt for David Choi's Show.. And it's our priviledge to share it with you all. They're awesome!

Design 1.  Choi is My Choice (Rp 130.000 / US$15 / SGD20)

Design 2. I can't Smile without You! (Rp 130.000 / US$15 / SGD20)

Design 3. David Choi's Face Original (Rp 130.000 / US$15 / SGD20)
Also available a limited Signed Version (Rp 225.000 / US$27 / SGD35)

If you're interested, tweet us @davidchoifans.. or email us at
We'll arrange the payment and shipping..
Shipping cost depends on the Indonesian post or any other shipping methods available in Indonesia.


David Choi Meet & Greet in Singapore, 2011

Its been a while.. :)
So, David has just finished his South East Asia and Australia tour, and one of our team finally got the opportunity to see his show.. It was so fuuunnn..!
Read her story about the meet and greet below <3

As some of you probably know, I went to David Choi's recent show in Singapore..
The awesomeness started with a Meet and Greet at Mint Toy Museum.
It's a private event, held by Monsoon Production. You've to enter a contest on facebook, using your photo + stating a memory of your childhood favourite toy.. Maybe because it's held on weekday, and on working hour, there are not too much people. And basically, everyone who post their picture on facebook got the invitation for the meet and greet.

We've lots of fun!! The meet and greet was around 2 hours long. David played some traditional games with some of his fans, and when he lost, he was told to do push-up. And he did it! What a great man..!
So, after the games, he started the main business, signing and taking photographs..

With no doubt, I would say, this is one of the best moment in my life. He's such a nice guy! <3

Ever dreamth of playing with your favourite musician? Some of us got their dreams come true..
This is the video of David playing with some of Singapore fans..
Enjoy!  (if the video below failed, you can see it on the youtube link here)

David Choi Fans Team

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Meet and Greets - Asia & Australia Tour

Hi Guys..

So, who's going for David Choi's tour next June?? Yayyy, so excited!! :)

We saw lots of question regarding meet and greets..
So, here's the summary..

Hongkong - NO SHOW, just MEET & GREET (TBA)..
17th June 2011 - HMV Store (TBA)

Kuala Lumpur - 2 shows, Meet & Greet (TBA)..
18th June 2011 - UCSI Recital Hall (7.30 pm)
19th June 2011 - Rock Corner, The Curve from (1 - 2:30pm)

19th June 2011 - Bentley Music Auditorium (7.30 pm)
Kuala Lumpur Facebook Event

Singapore - 2 shows, 1 Meet & Greet..
21th June 2011 - Mint Toy Museum (M&G, 2pm)
21th June 2011 - Esplanade Recital Studio (7.30 pm)
22th June 2011 - Esplanade Recital Studio (7.30 pm)
Singapore Facebook Event

Manila - 2 shows, 2 Meet & Greet
24th June 2011 - Music Museum (7.30 pm); M&G after concert
24th June 2011 - Music Museum (7.30 pm); M&G after concert
Manila Facebook Event

Jakarta - 2 shows, Meet & Greet (TBA)
28th June 2011 - Hard Rock Cafe (4 pm)
29th June 2011 - Hard Rock Cafe (7.30 pm)
Jakarta Facebook Event

Melbourne - 1 show
1st July 2011 - Melbourne City Conference Centre
Melbourne Facebook Event

Sydney - 1 show
2nd July 2011 - Macquiarie University: Gymasium Road North Ryde
Sydney Facebook Event

Who's going to any of this??
Take some picture, and email it to us at
We might have something for you!

Note: TBA--> To Be Announced.. Do check out the facebook event pages.. Monsoon Productions teams did updates there :)


Sunday, April 17, 2011

David's tips on friendship

Tumblr post by David
Make sure you spend time with your friends and make sure they spend time with you. That is, if they’re worth keeping around in your life.
Do you have friends worth keeping?  What will be your criteria for picking friends?

Here's some pictures of.......

David and friends..
  • Philip, Wes, and Ted (although Ted is not in the picture) from Wongfu Productions
  • Christine (Happy Slips)
  • Samuel Juhn, Dan, and friends..

  •  David and Kina (two of our most favourite singer)

And ofcourse, there are still a lot of youtube friends whom are good friend for him.. Also, non-youtube friends.. They are as productive as him, shine in their own pace, and ofcourse cherish their friendship..

"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Careful about What You Say Online

Did you all remember the video about Alexandra Wallace from UCLA? Saying how asian are this.. that.. this.. that.. bla bla bla?
The video went viral, and at the end she decided to apologize, and to save her life (apparantly she got some annoying messages, and such), she decided to quit her school, and move.

Our fav singer, tweeted about this:
@davidchoimusic: “If you happen to see Alexandra Wallace at UCLA, slap her, then hug her for me, thanks.” -

Then.. A news used David's tweet to show how viral the video was, and how people responded..

And here's david's respons..

@davidchoimusic: lol, my tweet about Alexandra Wallace was on the news - - some things should be kept to yourself. Bad move on her part.

Lesson to learn: Do not rant in the internet without thinking that no one will see it.. Watch your mouth, dear! :)


Apparantly, a hater tweeted David this morning, and He replied..
FYI, David's reply comes once in a while, we never know when he's not busy, and replied tweets..
So.. Here is the short story..

A girl tweeted to her friend (i guess), saying "that song is gay, I hate david choi. seriously. his lips look like… I can’t even tell…"

Maybe, David was bored, and search his own name "David Choi" and saw the post.. or.. maybe someone told him about that post.. Anyway, here's what he reply..

That girl was shocked to know that David read and reply.. so she tweeted her friend..
David replied her again...
Note: she did not tag david.. So either David was really bored, or he wanted to know how she will respond :)

I think at this point, some of David's fans started to reply the post, giving support and encouragement to david, saying how silly she was and how he should ignore her..

The girl gave up.. posting "@davidchoimusic okay fine u win, just deleted my mention from your tweet& I won’t comment on u anymore deal?I hate these disturbing mentions"

And here's what David replied
What a cool way to reply hater..

I personally think, David was smart.. by replying with "RT" instead of "reply", we all could see what the hater post.. And i do like the way he ended with "Hugs".. It's kinda funny for me, how he didn't have to reply with any hate, only using retweeting, and use the word "meanie", attract many fans replied, and at the end the hater gave up? Fancy style to deal with hater =P

Lesson to learn: Careful on what you tweet! People might see them.. Not only on twitter, but you've to be careful on other social media as well.. Blogs, facebooks, linked in, friendster, and such.. Many people could see what you wrote! Be smart on using internet guys :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

David Choi's Birthday Project Update

March 22nd was David's birthday!
As you all know, we planned an e-card for him.. And at the end, we reached around 65 people..
Here is the list of awesome people signing on the card:
  1. Itsmemafalda and ay_reen
  2. Rhea
  3. Lia
  4. Cha, Lyn and Cait
  5. Bea and Bernadette
  6. Doreen
  7. Yi
  8. A. Uy
  9. Becca
  10. Stella
  11. Annie
  12. Nina
  13. Karito
  14. Eunice
  15. Joon
  16. Beth
  17. Min Hwee
  18. Finni
  19. Connie
  20. Dru
  21. Claire
  22. Alexandra
  23. Alexander
  24. Dowon
  25. QadChan
  26. SanFran Girl
  27. Serene
  28. Carmen
  29. Kaye
  30. Polaroid Yoonju
  31. OnigiriQx
  32. Inna
  33. Elizabeth
  34. Fee
  35. Edhitaclemente
  36. Maggie
  37. Dorothea
  38. Lea
  39. JongHwa
  40. Marissa
  41. Zee
  42. Yang2987
  43. Betsy
  44. Jilly
  45. Joyce
  46. Carol
  47. Missinvictus89
  48. Nicole
  49. Waisum
  50. Chrisdy
  51. Emily
  52. Emily M
  53. Alex
  54. Shinta
  55. __Choki
  56. Yithying
  57. Irina
  58. Domo-kun
  59. Jen
  60. Erin
We were a bit dissapointed at the day because it should be posted to David's facebook wall. But something goes wrong with Groupcard! The e-card wasn't there!! :(
But at the end of the day, we manage to ask Groupcard team (because we've paid).. And they answer that it's sent to David's inbox..

Either way, We're super excited. Thank YOU all for joining this project.
Keep on supporting David Choi!

If you missed the e-card's link:
And if you want to have the softcopy (to be printed out), we have it in pdf format..
Just email us: davidchoifans (at) gmail (dot) com...

See you sometime soon..!

P.S. at least we'll try to update the blog every two weeks :)

DavidChoiFans Team

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Show your care to Japan

Hi everyone..

Sorry for the late update.. We've been busy with lots of things..
There are two things that we'ld love to share with you:
We wished that more people joining to sign on the e-card, just to show David, that we appreciate and support him, and his music.. :)

  • Have you heard about the disaster in Japan? The earthquake happened last friday, we're so shocked hearing that.. Also all the updates that seems to discourage us as human being.. One thing that we would like to share is that even though it seems frightening, we have to believe, that there will be something better ahead, we need to get back to our faith, put our trust, and just believe.. Our heart goes to each and every victims there, and also each of you who might have a friend/family there.. Lets all prayed that everything will be better..
We personally think that, David's "Hold On" is a very nice video, that can relate to those in Japan, and also to us all when we're in a bad condition.. Never never never never give up! Hold on...!!!

How YOU can help out Japan
text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 (USA only) to relief efforts for the earthquake & tsunami in Japan or donate at (world-wide)

With Love and Prayer,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

David's Dance

Have you seen David's dance in "Dance to This Song"? If you haven't, here's the video

Ever wondered whether it's his real style of dancing?
We traced waaaay back to 2008.. and found this video at Sam's channel..
It was during Sam's 25th Birthday, and Sam, David and his friend..

And here's our screen cap.. Look how his friends dance with all their efforts..
And ofcourse, you should look at David's hand!! It's his "dance to this song" style.. :D

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Way You Are : David Choi and Kina Grannis Collaboration

The looong waited song is up..
David and Kina totally make us jealous.. Look at how their voice and facial expression.. Do you see the chemistry? ahhh.. so jealous.. :D
We love the song though!! <3 Waiting for more awesome songs from them!! :)

It's on youtube ofcourse :

It's also on itunes:


D: You the only girl that I see
D: The only one that I dream about constantly
K: You the only boy that I need
K: The only one that I dream about endlessly

D: I want to say I think you're perfect
K: You know I think you're perfect

K: For all the wait I know you're worth it
D: The wait I know you're worth it

BreakWe'll always make it through
As long as you've got me and I've got you

We will take the world in our stride
Anything can be possible by your side

D: I want to say I think you're perfect
K: You know I think you're perfect

K: For all the wait I know you're worth it
D: The wait I know you're worth it

I love the way you are
I love the way you are
I love the way, I love the way
I love the way you are

D: You the only girl that I see
The only one that I dream about constantly

K: You the only boy that I need
The only one that I dream about endlessly

Monday, February 14, 2011

Special Project

Celebrating David's Birthday, DavidChoiFans Team came up with an idea of sending group e-card..

To start, we've made this e-card, and you could join us, writing some messages for him.
The e-card will be sent directly to him, at 5 am, at his birthday, and ofcourse we'll let you know if he replied. There is still more than a month!! So, get started.. The more signing, the merrier <3

We've been contacting (probably some of you joined because of their post), we're appriciating them as the first tumblr dedicated for David (even David mentioned them sometime ago!), and so we also put their logo in the cover :)

We love to be friends with David Choi's Fans.. Where ever you are.. :)

Here's the link....

Thanks for sharing your love and support to David Choi!

If we could get 50 signatures, we planned to send a Poster consisting our e-card, while if it's more than 100, a book will be sent :D look at the details in the left side of the web.. It's by groupcard, and the price is either $25 or $30, and it will be on us.. :)
P.S. Please keep this as a secret, and instead of giving the link to the card, please give the link to this post. ( We're afraid that somehow David read ur post/tweet/fb.. That will ruin our surprise, won't it? :)

DavidChoiFans Team

David Choi Approve Our Thumbnail?

Just a quick update.
As we mentioned, we're not an official fan base of David Choi.
We're just a group of his fans, thinking to collaborate to show our support to him.
We know that lots of fans outhere love his music, and thought that it'll be awesome if we all can gather, knew each other, and perhaps feeling like a family?

Our role model is kinerds, which is basically Kina Grannis's fans. They are not only a group of fans, they grew up, bigger and bigger as a family!! Even Kina and her family appriciate the Kinerds! :)
Check out these sites: and

Anyway, we made our logo, which is basically using word art, and add the picture from David's official
website, see the picture below.

And we tried to wrote at David's facebook page, and ask for his permission.
If you're his fans, you would knew that he always "like" your post, which basically means he read it.
Sometimes, when he's not busy, and when he wants, he'll reply.
So we didn't expect anything except a "like" from him, but yesterday, we got a notification.. And it turns out...............

David replied! Okay, it was only as simple as a "yes".. But anyway, at least we're using the picture with his permission, and not violating any copy-right law.. :D
Okay, we're using his picture officially, but still we're not an official fanbase.. haha..

P.S: A special project is coming within this week. Stay tuned.. :)

DavidChoiFans Team

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy Valentines Day


Celebrate Valentine day with people you love and this beautiful song from Kina Grannis..

Oh, wait... You're single??
No worries, our beloved David Choi have a perfect song for you!! :)

Love will find its way!! :D

Friday, February 11, 2011

DavidChoiFans Blog

Our blog are currently under construction..
We're here to support David Choi's music.
Simply because his music is inspiring for us, and in return we believe that he need to know that people are supporting what he's been doing :)
David is very unique musician. Looking at his tumblr account, where he put all his random thoughts, you will see that he's different. We now know how he changed alot during these years, from how he didn't smile because he think it's awkward to smile to a computer, and now he put more smiles in his videos, and also the increasing amount of subscriber he has, and more shows, and many other.
So, here's what we will be up to, firstly, we made a logo, the one below here:

We also have a twitter account, check it @davidchoifans -->
and also Facebook Group: Davidchoifans..

We're contacting fyeahdavidchoi tumblr guys, and we'll try to do some sort of collaboration :)
That's all for now, enjoy David's Valentine which we think is a good way to feel the festive valentine day!

DavidChoiFans Team